It’s easy to find a cloud provider right?

Until you’re told you have to use a locally-hosted provider! And then you’re told to find perhaps a locally-hosted and locally-owned provider?

I need you to share the names and URLs of locally available cloud IaaS providers in your country. I’m compiling a list for Canada, Mainland Europe, New Zealand, UK, India, China, South Africa and of course US (although they own all the big providers). Feel free to share in the comments.

Here’s what I found for the Australian market in no particular order (Feel free to add to this):

Hosted in Australia:

  • AWS
  • Dimension Data,
  • Telstra,

Hosted and Australian-owned (I think):

  • Cloud Central,
  • Decimal,
  • Bulletproof,
  • CloudCentral,
  • UltraServe,
  • Brennan IT,
  • Macquarie telecom